Thursday 25 December 2014

Christmas of Yore

Unfortunately, (a personal view). Christmas has lost its magic. Maybe society has drifted away from the religious aspect of the festival and that is the problem. No longer do I hear my peers and their offspring talking about attending services of carols and nine lessons.


I have to concede that it is a few years since I staggered from a hostelry and attended a midnight service. Still we did do it. But not now. I do regret the changes that modernity has foisted upon us, (me). Society has changed in so many ways.

In the 1970's I used to visit a first cousin of my dad's for Sunday lunch. Her late husband had been a Canon in the Church of Ireland. She still had her maid in situ. She, the maid wore a black uniform with a stiffly starched apron and addressed me as sir. Sunday lunch was a very formal affair especially for a university student like me. That said it did seem right as did the games of croquet with my second cousins.

No longer any maids. No longer any chauffeurs. No longer any factotums. No longer the life that was.


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