Monday, 10 June 2013

We'll gather lilacs in the spring again - or early summer

I purchased my copy of the Daily Telegraph on Saturday morning as usual. Also as usual it was Sunday before I had worked my way through the various sections. The gardening pages contained an article on lilacs, lauding their scent and their value to the flower arranger, though pointing out the need to remove foliage, sear the stem ends in boiling water, and then resting the stems in cold water in a cool and dark spot prior to arranging. All a bit of a palather me thinks.! It might just be easier to enjoy the tightly set flowers on the tree or bush.

I think that the specimen which adorns the flower bed surrounding the yard may need some enthusiastic pruning once flowering has finished, it looks fine from a distance but if I did wish to indulge in this much vaunted searing lark I might need to have recourse to a ladder or long handed loppers.

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