Friday, 28 June 2013

Tiffin at Ballymaclary House


I decided to indulge in a taste of tiffin at Ballymaclary House at Magilligan today. It has recently reopened as a bijou b & b as well as purveying morning coffee, light lunches and afternoon teas. A conservatory has been added to the original house and this addition now provides the entry to the establishment as well as providing space for some sixteen covers. Existing rooms provide further accommodation. It is a pity that this addition to the building has not been designed and executed in a more sympathetic manner. Why aren't the windows fifteen paned? Why is the render not the same colour as that of the original house? Presumably this architectural faux pas is the responsibility of the owners and or the architects and or the planners.


What then of the comestibles? Well I only consumed a latte and a scone so I can't provide very extensive views. The former was of a commendable size and temperature. The latter was somewhat crumbly and the consistency of the butter curls tended to that of concrete. My wallet was denuded to the tune of £3.70.


1 comment:

  1. This was the summer residence of the Cather family who also had a winter house in Limavady called The Hermitage.
