Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Track and Training Review

I think/hope that my hip injury has finally healed. Last Thursday we were on the track for what for me passes as a speed session. After the normal warm up and drills we ran 8 x 200m with 200m walk jog between. My coach cautioned me against running too hard and reactivating my injury. There were six of us hurtling, or was it rumbling around the track. With the words of warning still to the fore I ran the first effort in a cautious 32s. No pains! Hoorah! I increased my leg speed thereafter and ran the rest of the reps in 28s. No after affects. It was good to be running at pace again.


Friday was the week's rest day. There was no group training session on Saturday, but we were instructed to do an hour of running at a comfortable pace. I ended up running for just over seventy minutes at an average of 7.20 per mile. Despite the rain and the coldness of the day it was an enjoyable and satisfying run.


My Sunday morning training companion is still unable to run due to the, "spur," that has developed on his left heel. His GP is to give him some sort of injection, but I fear that he will ultimately need surgery. Although he can't run with me he acts as coach and paces me on his bike while at the same time giving me a commentary on my speed. After my run we then spent upwards of an hour doing circuit training in the gym and ending up with five minutes on the punchbag. I returned home tired and very hungry.


Monday's training was another day of solitary training, but today found us all back on the track. We ran 5 x 400m followed by 5 x 300m. We were to run these efforts at 1500m pace. We had ninety second static recovery between the 400m and ninety second walk recovery between the 300m. I was reasonably content with my times, 74s for the longer reps and 52s for the shorter reps,


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